She writes: "These Urinals are located in the locker room upstairs in the San Ramon [CA] Building".

"These two Urinal are located in the restroom downstair in the San Ramon [CA] building. Notice the out of service urinal with the box over it. You would think a Billion dollar company could fix it's urinals."

This is a shot of the same 2 urinals, after the broken urinal has been fixed. This update has been sent in on 5/6/01.

"These urinals are located in the Oakland Hub, above the Broadway Center offices. This is part of a locker room."

"These are also from the San Bruno hub, in the old building. Also located upstairs between the women's locker room and the conference room. These are also part of a locker room."

"These urinals are from the UPS "San Bruno" hub in South San Francisco. These are part of a locker room in the original or old building which was built in 1975. This is one of 5 groups of urinals. These are located upstairs opposite outbound doors 83 and 84."

"These urinals are at the UPS Hub in West Sacramento, California. Called the Sacramento or "Sac" Hub, it serves the Sacramento Metropolitan area, and sorts or hubs packages from Northern California to Southern California, Salt Lake City, Denver, Portland OR and Seattle. [This installation is] located near the main unload area below the Feeder Dispatch office."

"[These fixtures] are located in a locker room in the UPS Sacramento Hub."

All of the previous photos were sent in in 2001. This latest photo was submitted by the same contributor in 2008. She writes: "These are the urinals in the Sacramento Feeder locker room. Note the bulletin boxes above each one. This is how UPS communicates with us. :-) "