These first to pictures, from Ritz-Carlton San Francisco were taken by an independent contributor. She writes: "[These urinals are located] on the Ballroom floor. Commonly referred to as 'Heaven with a front desk', the Ritz Carlton is a luxury hotel, with a staff that is waiting to serve your every need, and fine dining that is unsurpassed".

"These urinals are also located on the Ballroom floor restroom opposite the first set. Note the auto flushers on the urinals."

These next two photographs were taken at the Ritz Carlton in Pasadena, CA. Here are the two urinals, side by side. Note how the high urinal is different from the low urinal. Also note the left-hand AND the right-hand flush handles.

Here is the close-up of the high urinal.

LMF submitted the above fixture from The Ritz-Carlton Hotel New Orleans: "The restroom itself is lavish, even by Ritz standards. There are real towels and everything is covered in marble and gold."