This picture was sent in by JM. He writes: "There are several companies that have offices in the building, this washroom is on the second floor and it is a shared washroom... Our office building was having some maintenance problems and when I put a sign up over stall #3 (far right) saying 'broken do not use' some one from our office put a sign up over the other two. and those were just too funny. (not the middle one) it was a week later that the last sign was put up over the #3 stall. (the one taking bets)".
From left to right, the signs read: "Partially broken, so only use some of the time", "Perfectly functional, but, really, don't you feel weird using the middle one?" and "Do not use - Broken". The rightmost urinal also has a betting sheet taped up above, entitled "Yes. But when will it be fixed?" Your choices are the month of the year and the week of the month.