He writes: "As a connoisseur of men's rooms and urinals in particular, I must say that this location is the most aesthetically pleasing men's room I've ever encountered. A must-see attraction for all who visit Hong Kong!!!..."

"... A note on the men's room: many clean, modern urinals arranged in a half-circle, affixed on a marble slab on the wall. Fine Chinese artwork is found at eye level at each of the units. In the center is the washroom station, four sinks in all, with a sculpture utilizing a waterfall effect (to assist urinators in beginning their business, I presume). No paper towels here- only cloth (the Sheraton is a classy joint!)..."

"...Usually an attendant can be found here; I had to wait in the lobby near the men's room entrance for a while until he left for a few minutes, giving me the time to get these shots."