Crewmembers will spend up to six months in space, eating, sleeping, excercising, and practicing hygiene. They will also conduct scientific and technological experiments that require the weightless, "micro-gravity" environemnt of an orbit around the Earth. Space on the HabLab is very limited. Fortunately, in a weightless environment there are no floors and ceilings, and every surface becomes useful. Equipment is designed to be as small as possible, and fits together snugly to minimize unused space

This is the overall view of the lavatory in the "HabLab". According to Zeverken, who works at the European Space Center in Belgium, this fixgture is used in the following way: "[From the picture it would appear that the user would need to hold on to the railings]. This is not true. The 'railings' can be pulled upwards, there is some sort of spring attached to the bottom part. First the user sits down on the toilet, then pulls up the railings, and turns them inwards, so they are over the legs. Then he lets them go, and the springs make them push the astronaut down onto the toilet. Then he fixes his feet in with the velcro. You need your hands to direct the [stream] of urine into the funnel for male users. Otherwise it would spray anywhere."

This is the overall view of the space station currently in orbit.
These pictures were taken at the "HabLab" mock-up on display at the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, CA.