This photo was sent in by CTF. He writes: "This park located in downtown Naperville was built in 2003 is named after Walter S. and Grace Towsley Fredenhagen - two people who created the Prince Castle and Cock Robin Ice Cream shop chains. Established in 1931, these two ice cream shop chains were once located all over Chicagoland with their famous One-in-a-Million Milkshakes and Top Hat Sundaes but have since gone defunct with the last location closing around 2010. This park now stands where the Naperville location for Cock Robin Ice Cream was until its closure in 2000.
"The Naperville location was the second-to-last location to close, with the last location in Brookfield closing 10 years later. The irony was that the Brookfield location was said to be the worst performing store and yet, it was the last to go.
This park is located along the Naperville Riverwalk features a fountain, a memorial to the people listed above for their legacy to Chicago, and this restroom pictured here."