This photo was sent in by SM. He writes: " In 2003, [Italian Base Camp Salerno] was occupied first by the U.S. Army, then [it] became a coalition base and changed flags over to the Italian Army, which was the Nibbio Task Force and a small number of Americans. The primary purpose was to run Ops close to the border. The camp was getting better when we left the Italian Army really knows how to treat their soldiers: they live in style and are a real joy to work with. They came in and made the camp better. This picture was taken in 2003. We ran Medevac Operations pulling both military forces, including combatants and civilians. It was a busy place along with pulling Ops for Camp Harriman, the FOB in Orgun-E.
"[These fixtures are, essentially,] abs pipes in the ground . Before there were no partitions, and then lye was thrown on the ground to soak up whenever the bad shots missed at O'Dark Thirty at night!! So basically in the 120 [degree] weather this thing reaked and you just had to go for it. It sucked during our stay."